ZOA: Energizing your Day


If you like Red Bull or Monster, or even Logan Paul's Prime then you will love ZOA Energy. Founded by actor and entrepreneur Dwayne Johnson and his ex-wife/business partner Dany Garcia, ZOA is like every other energy drink but actually healthy for you. The energy drink market is very competitive and many of these kinds of drinks have come and gone. I myself live by both Prime and ZOA and can say that the benefits are fantastic, you get the necessary vitamins you need while also feeling energized throughout your day. That being said, these drinks should not be treated like something you need to drink more than once a day. If you are not physically active, do not drink them. These drinks should mainly be pre or post-workout drinks. If you drink one in the morning, then switch to a protein drink or protein shake as your pre or post-workout drink. Throughout the day, that is when you switch to things like water, juice, kombucha, tea, and other natural drinks. Nutrition is not about how much you work out, it is about the lifestyle you live that benefits from whatever food and drink you put in your body.

If you drink these drinks and don't work out at any point in your day, then you will live a poor lifestyle because your body while getting the necessary nutrients will not have a way to work out those extra carbs and calories you have counted up throughout the day. ZOA works well with pretty much every meal, it is just important to not use this drink as a crutch in terms of you not wanting to exercise your mind, body, and soul. Working out is just as important as what you are eating and drinking. ZOA and Prime both have electrolytes that are very important to you as well as the key vitamins you need. It also helps that both drinks contain limited amounts of sugar and 10 or fewer calories which is a very good thing.

Energy drinks are like soda, people tend to want to drink multiple throughout the day, which is wrong. That is why the obesity rate in the United States is so high. People indulge in the food and drinks that they want without balancing or counter-balancing that with thorough amounts of exercise. Exercising your mind as well as your body and soul is important because it will put you in a better position in terms of feeling centered and will limit your amount of distractions. It can not be stressed enough the fact that you should drink 1 maybe 2 energy drinks throughout your day and then switch to something else that way your body can burn those extra calories after exercise. If you abuse your body with candy and energy drinks, and then get limited amounts of exercise, then really you are putting yourself even closer to decline. At the end of the day, exercise is only as important as eating and drinking the right food and drinks. ZOA understands the assignment and with its ingredients helps everyday people understand their faults and change their possibly and sometimes often horrendous lifestyle.
